Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gaming Resolutions 2013

I've compiled a list of my gaming resolutions for 2013. These include playing or beating games I haven't played or beaten, to increasing the size of my collection.

1.) Beat Final Fantasy III - I have this weird thing where I don't like playing ports of games, and classic RPGs are a genre I prefer on their original consoles. I've had FF3 for quite a while for my SNES, I just never got around to playing it. Well to be fair I got about 15 hours into the game and for whatever reason I just stopped playing.

2.) Actually Play Resident Evil 6 - I bought this game to play with my friend Bryan, and we just haven't had a chance to play it together yet. The newer generation of RE games are multiplayer-centric games, so it's best to play with a friend. I'm not sure if I will like the game, so we shall see. As I've mentioned before, RE is my absolute favorite game franchise so I hold each games to a very high standard.

3.) Resist breaking the Halo 4 disc - I need to beat this fucking game. I am playing on Legendary and I am too stubborn to knock it down a peg to Heroic. I'm stuck on a part that is just absolutely insane, and I'm not really stoked about it. Multiplayer is pretty fuckin' fun when Ier am on a roll.

4.) Finally play Max Payne 3 - I've never actually played the first Max Payne game, but I beat Max Payne 2 and loved it. I've been waiting for this game for a long while, and finally nabbed it for $15 on Steam. Can't wait to dig into this thing!

5.) Fear Alma a third time in FEAR 3 / F3AR / F34R /Whatever - I loved  the first two Fear games, and I was waiting for this game to be had for peanuts on Steam and I grabbed it for $5. Hopefully it's as good as the first two, because I really liked both of those games.

6.) Break my mouse clicking shit in Torchligh II - I need to actually finish this thing! TII is an incredibly fun 'click-on-stuff-til-it-dies' game that I can't recommend enough! I am quite a ways into it, I just need to hunker down and do the damn thing!

7.) Beat Skyrim...eventually - I still haven't completed this thing yet, and it is old! It really hasn't hit me as much as Oblivion and I don't really know why I am so indifferent to beating it at this point. Still need to see it through. I did scoop up Morrowind for like $4 on Steam recently, and I want to give it a whirl. I need to look up some mods for it.

8.) Get level 50 in Borderlands 2 - I fucking love this game. I beat it tonight, well I completed the Story and unlocked True Vault Hunter mode. I'm level 33 right now, but I really want to get level 50 and get the DLC. BL2 is such a solid fucking game, I don't really have any qualms with it. It's challenging and a boat load of fun. Things get incredibly hard at some points, but you just hunker down, blast some bandits and have a ball. Can't wait to play through the DLCs.

9.) Not cry about the lack of future Professor Layton games - I won't be able to pull this one off.

10.) Get a Super Famicom - So I can play Shutokou Battle 94. That is seriously the only reason I really want one. Oh yeah and Japanese Super Metroid.

11.) Get an Atari or Intellivision - I need to get into collecting for vintage consoles, the oldest system I collect for is the NES.

12.) Figure out how to make YouTube videos without looking like a tool - Still have no idea what sort of format to make video game videos. I definitely want to do it.

That's really all I got so far. Right now I'm really looking forward to more Borderlands 2 and finally getting a crack at Final Fantasy 3.

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