Hey everyone! I was going through my camera's memory card and ran across a few pics from my PC build I did in early October. I wanted to post them up and write a little post about it since I don't update this thing pretty much at all anymore! So...here we go!
The goods. Ready to be mounted and bench tested. |
I've been using the came computer since January of 2009, and it was definitely time for an upgrade. I built this computer with the next wave of PC games in mind and decided to get the latest (not neccessarilly greatest) bits for the build.
My New PC Bits:
Intel 4670 (not a K, not going to OC this thing)
MSi Z87-G45 mobo
8gb Corsair Memory (DDR3)
Kingston 120gb SSD
5 year old PSU that is still kicking ass, seriously.
I run Windows 8, I like it.
The case with the goods! |
I knew going into the build that I wasn't interested in overclocking, so I didn't get a K series chip. Overclocking is for some people, but not for me. I wanted to get a stable machine that I didn't have to worry about keeping cool with the extra juice.
CPU mounted to the mobo, low profile RAM slapped in this badboy. Looking SLICK! |
As far as the GPU was concerned, I wanted to go 780 but didn't want to spend the extra $200-300 for the damn thing. I chose the 770 based on several reviews and the price point. It was fairly steep at $400, but I am 100% pleased with the performance. I get 70+ fps on Battlefield 4 with settings on ultra across the board. It runs great and looks fantastic. Every other game I have is slayed by this card, and I run a fully modded Skyrim at over 100 fps (looks amazing).
Bench tested, bench approved. It works! The beast lives! |
The case I have is the case I bought for my last build. It's a HUGE case with enough room for another for a bunch of shit, and I plan on slapping more drives in those bays so I can keep my Steam library fully installed (it's huge). The power supply is also sticking around from my previous build since it's solid as a rock and offers more than enough power for my entire rig.
The completed rig. I still want to put a few lighted fans in here before LANFest so my PC looks crunk. |
The last addition to the machine was an SSD, which is all the rage right now and with good reason. The single greatest upgrade for this machine was the addition of the SSD, as it's increased performance by an incredible margin. It used to take a few minutes to fully boot Windows 8 (it even booted faster than Vista), but now boots in under 10 seconds. Seriously. BF4 maps load in a matter of seconds, I'm always one of the first few people to load into a map for a match. WoW also loads in seconds, when it used to take minutes. I recommended an SSD to my friend for his most recent build I helped him put together and he was super pumped on how fast the damn thing was. I can't recommend one of these enough.
So far I am very pleased with my build, and looking forward to some upcoming titles (such as Titanfall). The performance I get out of this thing exceeded my expectations and I am super pumped everytime I boot into a BF4 match or fire up Hawken to shoot some bots. I couldn't be happier with my PC build.
I'll be traveling to the Intel Winter LANFest at the Sheraton on January 3rd to once again partake in the festivities. I'll try to take the camera and get a few pictures to post on the DontCritMe blog in Jaunary. If you are in Atlanta and enjoy a good LAN, then you should hit up LANFest for 2 days of non-stop LAN action. I plan on getting a few people into some old school RATS matches in Half-Life. STOKED!
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